
Three Common Myths about Automotive Rust

Rust is something that every car owner must deal with at some point. Rust is the result of the chemical reaction between oxygen and car metals. Rust has the ability to degrade the look of your car and bring down its resale value considerably. Before you set out to analyze the condition of your vehicle, here are some interesting myths about rust prevention.

New Cars Do Not Require Rust Prevention Treatment

False. It may be true that manufacturers offer new cars with sufficient in-built rustproofing. However new vehicles do not come with a lifetime warranty against rust. Based on the surroundings in which the car is used and the driving nuance of the owner, it is recommended to opt for the required rust prevention methods to ensure long-term safety.

Rust Repair is Impossible

False. Rust causes irreversible damage when left untreated for a long period of time. But the spread of rust can be controlled during the initial stages. Rust when detected must be treated immediately using the appropriate methods and rust removal products.

Rust Proofing Cannot Be Implemented After the First Sign of Rust

False. Do not panic if, on one fine morning, you find a patch of brown on the surface of your car. Clean the affected area and ensure you have controlled the spread of rust by using a rust inhibitor. Then analyze the possible source of moisture for the vehicle and apply the right rust prevention technique to avoid future rust invasions.