Noxudol 750 Product Information

Noxudol 750

Thin ML-oil for interior treatment


Noxudol 750 is a chemically active anticorrosive
compound with low surface tension,
based on mineral oil, waxes, rust inhibitors
and solvents. After drying it forms a waxy,
moisture repellent surface. Because of the
low surface tension it possesses good
penetrating ability as well as the
displacement of any moisture that may be

Range of application

Noxudol 750 is a thin penetrating anticorrosive
that is intended for the treatment of
the hollow spaces of motor vehicles
according to the ML-method. In addition it
may also be used for protection of iron and
steel plates, beams, reserve parts, wire etc

Instructions for use

Start by cleaning the surface carefully,
preferably with high pressure wash. Make
sure the surface is dry before application.
Application shall be done indoors. To apply
Noxudol 750 use a high-pressure pump
(airless) 1:26> with a feeding pressure of 3 –
5 bar. The material may also be applied with
a low pressure pump with 1:3 (airmix). For
other uses it may be sprayed, dipped or
brushed on..


30300095 / 500 ml spray (12 / pack)
30300511 / 1-lit can (12 / pack)
30300405 / 5-lit can
30300408 / 20-lit can
30300701 / 60-lit drum
30300721 / 208-lit drum

Technical data

Color: Light brown
Consistency: Liquid
Type of film: Waxy
Density at 20° C 850 ± 30 kg/m³
Dry content: 50 ± 2 %
Solvents: White spirit
Film thickness: 40 – 80 um
Temperatur vid applicering: 15 – 25° C
Avtvättbar med: Renox Milieu or white spirit
Lagringstid: 12 months
Lagringsförhållanden: 5 – 35° C

For further information we recommend the safety data sheet or instruction on package